Not much has been happening here in Sunny Perfect Weather Arizona, sorry I have to brag! I feel like I wasted my whole life living in shitty weather Utah. I'm just trying to get the word out that you don't have to put up with nasty arctic cold snowy weather, there is a paradise out there, it's call Arizona.
nuff about that.
Only S E V E N days until my 29th birthday. It seems every year I get more and more depressed, this one more than all the last mainly because I don't have a drunken night at
The Puck to look forward to. It was also my deadline to have a baby because statistics say that if you have a baby before you're 29 years old it lowers the risk of getting cervical cancer. Obviously the older I get the likelihood of getting pregnant gets lower and lower and that's without my PCOS.
My mom asked me for my wish-list for Xmas and my birthday and I thought I'd be able to create one quick but everything I want is a bit out of reach.
1. Get pregnant and have a healthy Baby
1-B. Adopt a baby
2. House w/wo swimming pool
3. Toyota Prius
4. another female Pomeranian puppy (Mazzy needs a pet)
5. Adobe Photoshop CS2
Some other ideas that might be within reach are:
6. Photo Scanner (HP Scanjet 4850 or 4370 Photo Scanner)
7. The Sims2 for Playstation2
8. Tony Hawk American Wasteland for Playstation2
9. Six Feet Under any/all seasons
10. Queer As Folk any/all seasons
11. The Sopranos any/all seasons
12. Gift Cards (Target, Best Buy, Joanne's, Ikea, Hot Topic, Dancing Cranes in SLC)
13. Gilmore Girls any/all seasons
14. My SoCalled Life Box set
15. Led Zeppelin T-shirts
16. who am I kidding, Led Zeppelin ANYTHING!
17. Sex in the City any/all seasons
18. Cash for Tattoos
We're getting excited for our vacation to Utah! We'll be arriving Dec. 6th and spending two days in Logan. We'll be in Salt Lake Thursday thru Saturday and leaving Sunday morning. Jory's family has first dibs on what days we spend with them but otherwise we will try to see everyone. We might set up a night to meet everyone for dinner unless someone decides to throw a "Johnson's visit Utah" party. We'll have to pull out the winter coats because I'm sure we're going to freeze our asses off! So far I haven't heard about any snow there yet, so that's good. With our luck a blizzard will hit when we hit the border!
Jory's been writing about 2000 words a day for NaNoWriMo and today is Mazzy's 1st Birthday! A Birthday post will follow in the next day or two. We'll be moving the weekend of Xmas, haven't found a new apartment yet, but we're not staying at
Towne Square any longer than necessary. Feel free to come spend Xmas in Arizona and help us move!
Until next time...