So I'm back to work, part time at least. The first two weeks I only worked 3 days a week, 4 hours a day. Now it's 4 hours a day, Monday through Friday. This is only my 2nd day at every day and I'm tired, exhausted. Two words I'm sick of: tired and exhausted. What a waste of 3 months, kind of depressing to tell you the truth. I've wanted to catch up on posting, but at the same time, not really cared whether I get to it or not. It's all boring anyway.
The only thing exciting in my life is my best friend Sara's pregnancy. We recently found out she's having a girl and I'm as nervous and excited as if it were me. Honestly! I'm making her the cutest little crocheted bunny and blanket.

I guess that's news...I'm crocheting again, after my injury from last May. Wait, I already blogged about that, been making micro baby blankets to donate to Banner Desert, the hospital Jack was born at. I've finished two so far, almost done with two others. But now I'm moving on to making stuffed animals, they are super cute and the bunny I'm making for Sara is my first attempt, I must admit I'm pretty pleased with how it's turning out. I also taught Keara how to crochet, she's caught on quite quickly. She also taught me to knit, which I still feel is much harder then crocheting.
See, now it's a week later and I still haven't finished this stupid update post, blaaaaaah!
So last night randomly around 11:30 pm a sore throat kicked in out of no where. Just on the right side though, hurts up in my right ear as well. Fifteen minutes later and my left nostril started running, yes just the left nostril. There is no mystery as to where this cold came from, her name is Keara and it's my fault. She told me she was sick last week, but I told her to come over anyway. Jory caught the bug a few days ago, Sunday I think and now it's my turn. No more threesomes for us! I'm KIDDING! Ha Ha...We joke all the time about our supposed Polyamory family. When it's not the three of us Paling around, it's Keara and I getting asked at every store checkout if we are sisters and my quick response "Yes, identical twins", normally gets a "Really? That's neat" or "Cool, I have twins!". Depending on the person's response, I sometimes confess that we are not truly identical twins. They all seem surprised...seriously.
Anywho, I was thinking of political bumper stickers and came up with McCain + Palin = McCan't. There's no secret who I'll be voting for this November. I hope all you readers are registered to vote!
Speaking of...Want a free Obama/Biden sticker? MoveOn's giving them away totally free--even the shipping's free. I just got mine, and wanted to share the opportunity with you.
Click this link to get a
free Obama/Biden sticker.
I'm trying to think if there is anything else worth writing about here...I guess I'll save some stuff for individual posts, just wanted to get something up before I lost my readers.
Coming soon....(I SWEAR) Our trip to Moab for Jack's 2nd Birthday and Angelversary, Super Kool Frisbee Golf course in Fountain Hills, Black Widow Invasion, Living room Carpet Be-Gone and much much more...maybe those dreaded Utahrd photos, I'm almost scared to look at them for fear of getting the Tri-illness Curse again.
Peace out for now,
ps. Thanks for hanging in there.
pss. I updated the previous post about
Mazzy's hurt paw...go read it.