Guess who's half Birthday it is today. Yep, Dragon is 3.5 years old officially! The time is flying and it makes me so sad yet so proud. He's grown so much this last year, not just in length but he swims in his floaties by himself, no longer clinging to me in the pool. He's balancing on his bike, he's spelling words including his name, hiking 2.5 miles on his own two feet, biking 3 miles before getting tired. He's curious about everything and everyone, the questions never stop. He has so many friends and loves playing with them all the time, which thankfully has given me lots of great new friends too! We've never been busier or happier than the last 6 months. This age is so fun and yet so challenging, I'm loving it! And I love him more than life, he is my everything! My beautiful heart that runs around wild and free, on the outside of my body.