I'm sooooooooo sleeeeeeeeeeepy! I've been awake since yesterday around 1:00 pm. I'm staying awake in order to change my sleeping patterns back to normal. Or at least fairly normal. I've always been a night owl, but not working the last few months has not been good on my sleeping habits. We go to bed around 7:00am and wake up around 1:00pm. I've been trying to go to bed early but it doesn't work. I end up staying up even later, so then I sleep in later. BAD BAD cycle! So here I am trying to keep myself awake. I just have to make it past 2pm and I should be fine. I'm really struggling right now. I'm sure I'm making spelling errors left and right. This will be funny to read later when I'm more awake. Sleeeeeeeeeeeepy....
The picture shows my ferret Jerry (Garcia) sleeping. He sleeps with his legs in the hammock with his body drapped over on the floor. He's really weird. But that's why we love him.
This entry has 2 comments:
I've always wanted a ferret! -=) That's a very relaxed sleeping pattern he has!I came by way of the journal board.journals.aol.com/aiibrat/Random
Comment from aiibrat - 11/9/04 3:53 AM
I got my first ferret when I was 19. She was a black eyed white, named Akira. When I bought her, the pet store told me she was spayed and decented. Well needless to say a few months later she sprayed. It smells like a skunk, nasty! I took her to the vet and found out that she obviously had not been spayed nor decented. In fact she was in heat and had become sick from not being bred during her first heat. Kira died 10 months later and I was heart broken.I didn't get another ferret until three years ago when a friend of mine was feeling bad about neglecting her two ferrets because she just had a baby and didn't have time for them anymore. My husband and I decided to take them in and we renamed them Janis (Joplin) and Jerry (Garcia). They are the cutest animals! You laugh your ass off watching them play together. They are so much fun. I'll post more pictures later.
Comment from joeythegrl76 - 11/9/04 4:06 AM
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