1. Did you have a new year's resolution this past year?
I don't do resolutions
2.Who kissed you at midnight?
3. Does it snow where you live?
HELL NO! That's why I moved to SUNNY ARIZONA!
4. Do you like hot chocolate?
Sure do, I don't drink it very often though.
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop?
Nope, it was summer time both times I went to NY.
1. Who was your Valentine in 2005?
2. What did your Valentine get you?
ummm...we don't really do Valentines day. We celebrate it EVERYDAY.
3. When you were little, did you buy Valentines for your whole class?
My mom bought them, I didn't have money! ;) I always enjoyed making Valentine mailboxes out of paper at school
1. Are you Irish?
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
Nope, but I have green eyes
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005?
Went to work
1. Do you like the rain?
I love rain, especially now that we live in Arizona. I love Monsoon season!
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
Don't think so.
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
Only what I buy.
1. What's your favorite kind of flower?
Don't really have one, but if I had to choose it would be daisies
2. Did you go anywhere fun this month?
We went to San Diego for Jory's birthday and Mother's Day
3. Do you like the spring?
Spring is my favorite season
4. Finish the phrase: April showers bring May flowers, what do may flowers bring?
What kind of question is this? Bees
5. What would you think of as a spring color?
1. What year did/do you graduate from school?
January 10, 1995 (I graduated early woo woo for me)
2. Did you go on any vacations last June?
Went to Utah to close on the sell of our house.
1. What did you do on the 4th of July?
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?
1. Did you do anything special to end off your summer?
Took a road trip to Arcata, CA for our friend's wedding.
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05?
Going to San Diego
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer?
4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
Not normally, twice this year in San Diego and Northern California.
1. Did you attend school/college in '05?
2. Did you travel anywhere?
Went to Arcata, CA
3. Do you like fall better than summer?
Fall is my second favorite season, Spring is my first
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever?
Juli's Little Red Riding in the Hood
2. What's your favorite candy?
Vanilla Charleston Chew
3. What did you dress up like this year?
I haven't dressed up in years...I worked this year. But Jory dressed Mazzy up as a skeleton dog
1. Thanksgiving!
I have a love hate relationship with Thanksgiving. I have found a new love for Turkey and family but my birthday lands on it every 4 years or so and I hate sharing my birthday with a holiday.
2. Do you like stuffing?
Not really
3. What are you thankful for?
My bestfriend and LoveR Jory he makes me smile everyday. I'm also thankful for my friends and family. The further we move away, the more we realize who are real friends are.
1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
With our families, but we don't decorate or put a tree up for ourselves or anything. I work most every Xmas.
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
3. What do you want this year for Christmas?
I wanted a baby
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas?
The first year Jory and I were together, we were out shopping at my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE IN THE WORLD, "Dancing Cranes Imports", back when they were in this tiny shop in Sugarhouse. As we walked in they had the LARGEST, most BEAUTIFUL rainbow colored chimes on display. The chimes had to be 7 feet tall! I think I said something like, "I would love to have those chimes...in my dreams." Christmas day, Jory surprised me with my dream. Apparently he had gone back to the store and asked the clerk how much the chimes were and they told him it was a display. He told the clerk he knew it was a display but he wanted to buy it, the clerk told him had to go ask the owner if they were willing to sell it and if so, for how much. He returned to the counter, gave him a insane price and Jory bought it my dream.
5. Do you like cold weather?
No, that would be why we moved to Arizona.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas
Unfortunately I didn't write this but it says it all for me.
"Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2006, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. And without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting these greetings you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for herself or himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher."
"Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2006, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. And without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting these greetings you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for herself or himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher."
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
WaHoo 3000 HITS!

Let's see if we can get it to 30,000 hits. Spread the word! Tell your friends, hell tell strangers on the street joeythegrl.blogspot.com/ is the blog to read!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
A Joey Gift

My favorite Joey Gift story is from my 16th birthday. My mom gave me a Stuffed Kangaroo with matching socks stuffed in the pouch. I gave her a look of "what in the HELL were you thinking" and she laughed. She had actually bought it when I was 10 or 11 years old and hid it so well she didn't find it until just before my 16th birthday. My mom has a problem hiding gifts and finding them years later, but I leave that for another day.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Bashful Bladder Syndrome or BBS
Sometimes I space off when I'm peeing. Honestly I have spaced off for so long that I'm not sure whether I have actually peed yet so I have to check. I know I'll never live this down.
I suffer from Bashful Bladder Syndrome or BBS, if there are other people in the restroom I have to space off or block out everyone else just so I can relax and pee. I blame my mother, she passed me the BBS gene. When I was little every time we went into a public bathroom she would mention that she had a bashful bladder, and so the gene was passed.
So today in the bathroom I was spacing off and I had a flashback. I was peeing in the bathroom at my old job and laughing so hard I was crying because my friend had just confessed her most embarrassing moment and it is the funniest story I have EVER heard.
My friend who will remain nameless for obvious reasons, told me that one day at work she was talking with a few coworkers and in the middle of their conversation she sneezed so hard her tampon popped out! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!
I suffer from Bashful Bladder Syndrome or BBS, if there are other people in the restroom I have to space off or block out everyone else just so I can relax and pee. I blame my mother, she passed me the BBS gene. When I was little every time we went into a public bathroom she would mention that she had a bashful bladder, and so the gene was passed.
So today in the bathroom I was spacing off and I had a flashback. I was peeing in the bathroom at my old job and laughing so hard I was crying because my friend had just confessed her most embarrassing moment and it is the funniest story I have EVER heard.
My friend who will remain nameless for obvious reasons, told me that one day at work she was talking with a few coworkers and in the middle of their conversation she sneezed so hard her tampon popped out! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Reminding you why you left Utah so you never go back
Celebrating the holidays with your siblings

Poor sick Jory spread his nasty cold germs to me and now, poor sick Joey.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Never Again Utahrd!
We left Phoenix at 5:22 AM Tuesday Dec. 6th, nose hairs froze at our first pit stop in Flagstaff. Once we hit Page we had beautiful sunny weather all the way until Mills (small town? consists only of two mills, hence the name Mills, UT) when the flurries started. I'm not sure if it "flurries" anywhere else, but in Utah when a snow storm is blowing in it starts out with flurries. It's like tiny cotton ball snowflakes that flurry around but don't stick to your windshield or the road, they just interfere with your cop watching abilities. By Spanish Fork the real snow was falling and sticking to the road and as it seems every year, everyone forgets how to drive in the snow. You have those drivers that slow down to 35 mph and slam on their breaks every 10 seconds because the car 10 car lengths in front of them tapped their breaks. You also have those drivers that continue to speed and enjoy watching your eyeballs pop out of your head when they cut you off and spray your car with salty snow. Then you have those like me, we slow down to a safe speed and stay a few car lengths back. So our 12 hour drive from Phoenix to Logan ended up taking us 16 1/2 hours. Four and half of those hours were from Spanish Fork to Layton with top speed being 30 mph. And this was just the beginning of our bad luck.
Of course Utah was having record cold temperatures during our visit. Logan had a high of 13 degrees on Wednesday, good thing we kept our winter coats! We ventured into town and purchased a doggy coat for Mazzy and ran into Christopher's best friend Derek and his wife. Every time we visit Utah and go into Petsmart we see Derek, weird. Went back to the house and prepared for the gathering/open house/come see Jory and Joey like a zoo exhibit party. Saw some friends, ate a lot of finger food and bonded with Sara's "daughter" Leslie over Harry Potter.
Bad luck Part 2: Thursday Jory woke up in extreme pain and because we don't have insurance yet, I told him to take a Lortab which he did and went back to sleep for awhile. Later he woke up feeling OK, took a shower and just as we were packing the car and getting ready to leave he doubled over in pain. He decided it was bad enough he should go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I called Robby and Regina and told them we were going to miss the party they were so graciously throwing for us. Thankfully my aunt Nora works at the Specialty Hospital in Logan and she was there waiting for us when we arrived. They tested and found Jory had kidney stones. A shot of Morphine in the ass and a prescription for Lortab later, we were sent home. For a second in his drugged up state Jory actually thought we could go to the party in SLC, then the Morphine sunk in and he hit that sack.
Bad luck Part 3: Friday we headed for Salt Lake and tried to meet friends for dinner since we missed our party the night before, unfortunately everyone already had plans. So much for seeing our friends, damn kidney stones anyway. We were able to hang out with Regina and the boys for a few hours on Saturday. Eli and Charlie are so smart and so much fun to play with, Happo Happo! Hopefully Jory and I will be blessed with kids as great as they are. We enjoyed a smoke break with Jen at my old stomping grounds. Then we were off the Provo to hang out with Jory's dad and his brothers. We ended up staying the night and going out for breakfast at Mimi's for Casey's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Casey!
Major Bad luck Part 4: We left Provo for our 9 hour drive home around 1:30 PM. After stopping for gas in Beaver Jory took over driving and was pulling off the exit ramp to turn on to SR 20 and the car died. At this point our bad luck had passed laughable altogether and we looked at each other with the "Are you Fucking kidding me" expressions. We tried several times to get it started and ended up calling Beaver City Chevron for a tow. 30 minutes later, Rick the tow truck driver showed up and found that the timing belt had broke and because it's a Honda it probably took out the head which could cost $1500. Funny enough Rick asked us how lucky we were feeling because he could tow us back to the station in Beaver to fix the timing belt, but if the head was broke he'd then have to tow us to Cedar City to get it replaced hopefully on Monday. As luck would have it, my brother Colby lives in Cedar City so we would have a place to stay. After a $245 tow truck ride Colby picked us up and took us back to his house.
The bad luck continues...Seriously! Part 5: The next morning at 6:30 AM we dropped Colby off at work because he so generously offered his truck to us. We decided to go back to "Above All Auto" and get the cigarettes we left in my car. I was feeling a little nervous about leaving the few Xmas presents we left in the car so I decided to move them into the truck. I turned the truck off to open the back and couldn't get it opened because my hands were either frozen or I was too sleepy so I ended up putting them behind the seat. Went to start the truck and nothing...Colby had schooled me on his funky computer chip key and how it sometimes acts funny so he has a back up key. I swapped out keys and this time it turned over but acted like the battery was dead. Tried a few more times and still no success. Finally I called Colby to see if there was a special button to push or dance I had to do in order to get it started and he apologized for us being stranded again, he thought when he charged his battery the week before it was good to go. It would have been, had we not come into contact with it, apparently everything we touch turns to shit. By this time it was 7:30 and the auto shop would be opening at 8:00 so figured we could get a jump from an employee. A few minutes later Colby called us back and told us we could jump start his truck with my battery without turning my car on. Jumped the truck, turned my keys in to have my car fixed went back to Colby's and took a nap. Woke up and got the call we were hoping for that my car was fixed and it was ONLY the timing belt which would only be $350.
$595 later we left Utahrd and headed home. The minute we got home I changed into shorts and a T shirt and enjoyed a cigarette on my porch. Awe...how I love Arizona!
Bad luck Part 6: Unfortunately not all stories end with "And They Lived Happily Ever After"....nope at least not for the Johnson's. That's right folks, Jory ended up catching a horrible cold and he's sitting at home suffering without a sweet topless nurse to wait on him. Don't feel too bad for sweet Jory, he still has a full bottle of Lortab to help sweeten his days.
The End.
Of course Utah was having record cold temperatures during our visit. Logan had a high of 13 degrees on Wednesday, good thing we kept our winter coats! We ventured into town and purchased a doggy coat for Mazzy and ran into Christopher's best friend Derek and his wife. Every time we visit Utah and go into Petsmart we see Derek, weird. Went back to the house and prepared for the gathering/open house/come see Jory and Joey like a zoo exhibit party. Saw some friends, ate a lot of finger food and bonded with Sara's "daughter" Leslie over Harry Potter.
Bad luck Part 2: Thursday Jory woke up in extreme pain and because we don't have insurance yet, I told him to take a Lortab which he did and went back to sleep for awhile. Later he woke up feeling OK, took a shower and just as we were packing the car and getting ready to leave he doubled over in pain. He decided it was bad enough he should go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I called Robby and Regina and told them we were going to miss the party they were so graciously throwing for us. Thankfully my aunt Nora works at the Specialty Hospital in Logan and she was there waiting for us when we arrived. They tested and found Jory had kidney stones. A shot of Morphine in the ass and a prescription for Lortab later, we were sent home. For a second in his drugged up state Jory actually thought we could go to the party in SLC, then the Morphine sunk in and he hit that sack.
Bad luck Part 3: Friday we headed for Salt Lake and tried to meet friends for dinner since we missed our party the night before, unfortunately everyone already had plans. So much for seeing our friends, damn kidney stones anyway. We were able to hang out with Regina and the boys for a few hours on Saturday. Eli and Charlie are so smart and so much fun to play with, Happo Happo! Hopefully Jory and I will be blessed with kids as great as they are. We enjoyed a smoke break with Jen at my old stomping grounds. Then we were off the Provo to hang out with Jory's dad and his brothers. We ended up staying the night and going out for breakfast at Mimi's for Casey's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Casey!
Major Bad luck Part 4: We left Provo for our 9 hour drive home around 1:30 PM. After stopping for gas in Beaver Jory took over driving and was pulling off the exit ramp to turn on to SR 20 and the car died. At this point our bad luck had passed laughable altogether and we looked at each other with the "Are you Fucking kidding me" expressions. We tried several times to get it started and ended up calling Beaver City Chevron for a tow. 30 minutes later, Rick the tow truck driver showed up and found that the timing belt had broke and because it's a Honda it probably took out the head which could cost $1500. Funny enough Rick asked us how lucky we were feeling because he could tow us back to the station in Beaver to fix the timing belt, but if the head was broke he'd then have to tow us to Cedar City to get it replaced hopefully on Monday. As luck would have it, my brother Colby lives in Cedar City so we would have a place to stay. After a $245 tow truck ride Colby picked us up and took us back to his house.
The bad luck continues...Seriously! Part 5: The next morning at 6:30 AM we dropped Colby off at work because he so generously offered his truck to us. We decided to go back to "Above All Auto" and get the cigarettes we left in my car. I was feeling a little nervous about leaving the few Xmas presents we left in the car so I decided to move them into the truck. I turned the truck off to open the back and couldn't get it opened because my hands were either frozen or I was too sleepy so I ended up putting them behind the seat. Went to start the truck and nothing...Colby had schooled me on his funky computer chip key and how it sometimes acts funny so he has a back up key. I swapped out keys and this time it turned over but acted like the battery was dead. Tried a few more times and still no success. Finally I called Colby to see if there was a special button to push or dance I had to do in order to get it started and he apologized for us being stranded again, he thought when he charged his battery the week before it was good to go. It would have been, had we not come into contact with it, apparently everything we touch turns to shit. By this time it was 7:30 and the auto shop would be opening at 8:00 so figured we could get a jump from an employee. A few minutes later Colby called us back and told us we could jump start his truck with my battery without turning my car on. Jumped the truck, turned my keys in to have my car fixed went back to Colby's and took a nap. Woke up and got the call we were hoping for that my car was fixed and it was ONLY the timing belt which would only be $350.
$595 later we left Utahrd and headed home. The minute we got home I changed into shorts and a T shirt and enjoyed a cigarette on my porch. Awe...how I love Arizona!
Bad luck Part 6: Unfortunately not all stories end with "And They Lived Happily Ever After"....nope at least not for the Johnson's. That's right folks, Jory ended up catching a horrible cold and he's sitting at home suffering without a sweet topless nurse to wait on him. Don't feel too bad for sweet Jory, he still has a full bottle of Lortab to help sweeten his days.
The End.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
We're Baaaack!
I can honestly say, I'm surprised we arrived home alive. The traumatic vacation storIES coming soon!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
S E V E N days left
Not much has been happening here in Sunny Perfect Weather Arizona, sorry I have to brag! I feel like I wasted my whole life living in shitty weather Utah. I'm just trying to get the word out that you don't have to put up with nasty arctic cold snowy weather, there is a paradise out there, it's call Arizona.
nuff about that.
Only S E V E N days until my 29th birthday. It seems every year I get more and more depressed, this one more than all the last mainly because I don't have a drunken night at The Puck to look forward to. It was also my deadline to have a baby because statistics say that if you have a baby before you're 29 years old it lowers the risk of getting cervical cancer. Obviously the older I get the likelihood of getting pregnant gets lower and lower and that's without my PCOS.
My mom asked me for my wish-list for Xmas and my birthday and I thought I'd be able to create one quick but everything I want is a bit out of reach.
1. Get pregnant and have a healthy Baby
1-B. Adopt a baby
2. House w/wo swimming pool
3. Toyota Prius
4. another female Pomeranian puppy (Mazzy needs a pet)
5. Adobe Photoshop CS2
Some other ideas that might be within reach are:
6. Photo Scanner (HP Scanjet 4850 or 4370 Photo Scanner)
7. The Sims2 for Playstation2
8. Tony Hawk American Wasteland for Playstation2
9. Six Feet Under any/all seasons
10. Queer As Folk any/all seasons
11. The Sopranos any/all seasons
12. Gift Cards (Target, Best Buy, Joanne's, Ikea, Hot Topic, Dancing Cranes in SLC)
13. Gilmore Girls any/all seasons
14. My SoCalled Life Box set
15. Led Zeppelin T-shirts
16. who am I kidding, Led Zeppelin ANYTHING!
17. Sex in the City any/all seasons
18. Cash for Tattoos
We're getting excited for our vacation to Utah! We'll be arriving Dec. 6th and spending two days in Logan. We'll be in Salt Lake Thursday thru Saturday and leaving Sunday morning. Jory's family has first dibs on what days we spend with them but otherwise we will try to see everyone. We might set up a night to meet everyone for dinner unless someone decides to throw a "Johnson's visit Utah" party. We'll have to pull out the winter coats because I'm sure we're going to freeze our asses off! So far I haven't heard about any snow there yet, so that's good. With our luck a blizzard will hit when we hit the border!
Jory's been writing about 2000 words a day for NaNoWriMo and today is Mazzy's 1st Birthday! A Birthday post will follow in the next day or two. We'll be moving the weekend of Xmas, haven't found a new apartment yet, but we're not staying at Towne Square any longer than necessary. Feel free to come spend Xmas in Arizona and help us move!
Until next time...
nuff about that.
Only S E V E N days until my 29th birthday. It seems every year I get more and more depressed, this one more than all the last mainly because I don't have a drunken night at The Puck to look forward to. It was also my deadline to have a baby because statistics say that if you have a baby before you're 29 years old it lowers the risk of getting cervical cancer. Obviously the older I get the likelihood of getting pregnant gets lower and lower and that's without my PCOS.
My mom asked me for my wish-list for Xmas and my birthday and I thought I'd be able to create one quick but everything I want is a bit out of reach.
1. Get pregnant and have a healthy Baby
1-B. Adopt a baby
2. House w/wo swimming pool
3. Toyota Prius
4. another female Pomeranian puppy (Mazzy needs a pet)
5. Adobe Photoshop CS2
Some other ideas that might be within reach are:
6. Photo Scanner (HP Scanjet 4850 or 4370 Photo Scanner)
7. The Sims2 for Playstation2
8. Tony Hawk American Wasteland for Playstation2
9. Six Feet Under any/all seasons
10. Queer As Folk any/all seasons
11. The Sopranos any/all seasons
12. Gift Cards (Target, Best Buy, Joanne's, Ikea, Hot Topic, Dancing Cranes in SLC)
13. Gilmore Girls any/all seasons
14. My SoCalled Life Box set
15. Led Zeppelin T-shirts
16. who am I kidding, Led Zeppelin ANYTHING!
17. Sex in the City any/all seasons
18. Cash for Tattoos
We're getting excited for our vacation to Utah! We'll be arriving Dec. 6th and spending two days in Logan. We'll be in Salt Lake Thursday thru Saturday and leaving Sunday morning. Jory's family has first dibs on what days we spend with them but otherwise we will try to see everyone. We might set up a night to meet everyone for dinner unless someone decides to throw a "Johnson's visit Utah" party. We'll have to pull out the winter coats because I'm sure we're going to freeze our asses off! So far I haven't heard about any snow there yet, so that's good. With our luck a blizzard will hit when we hit the border!
Jory's been writing about 2000 words a day for NaNoWriMo and today is Mazzy's 1st Birthday! A Birthday post will follow in the next day or two. We'll be moving the weekend of Xmas, haven't found a new apartment yet, but we're not staying at Towne Square any longer than necessary. Feel free to come spend Xmas in Arizona and help us move!
Until next time...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Writers Block and More
I haven't posted for awhile, I know. I've been running around writer's block for weeks. I'm getting tired!
However there is someone in the house who has been writing quite a bit for the NaNoWriMo contest. Jory posted part of his novel on his blog. It's DAMN good, check it out here.
However there is someone in the house who has been writing quite a bit for the NaNoWriMo contest. Jory posted part of his novel on his blog. It's DAMN good, check it out here.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Reasons to come to Arizona and visit the Johnsons

Sunday: Mostly sunny in the morning...becoming partly sunny. Highs 81 to 86. Light wind in the morning...becoming south 5 to 15 mph in the afternoon. Sunday night: Partly cloudy. Lows 50 to 60 light wind..
Monday: Partly sunny. Highs 83 to 88. East wind 5 to 15 mph in the morning..becoming southwest in the afternoon.. Monday night: Partly cloudy. Lows 52 to 62 light wind..
Tuesday and Tuesday night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s to upper 50s. Highs in the lower to mid 80s.
Wednesday: Partly sunny. Highs in the upper 70s to lower 80s. Wednesday night through Thursday night: Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 40s to upper 50s. Highs in the upper 70s to lower 80s.
Veterans day through Saturday: Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 40s to upper 50s. Highs in the upper 70s to mid 80s.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
How To Make My Heart Melt.

The entire post can be read on Jory's Blog.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tom the Tool Man Taylor

Tom, you've gone from Monkey Boy to Stud Monkey!
No matter how far away we move, you will always be in our lives. You are a great friend to Jory and to me as well. You're funny, talented and kind hearted. We love you and hope you have a Happy Birthday. Now, get your Monkey ASS in the car and come see us Little Bitch!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
T to the OM

The picture wasn't doctored Mr. Taylor. Don't be a hater! =) But thanks for the excuse to post another picture of the sexy Van Wilder.
No, I'm not trying to reveal the mystery that is TOM. I just don't know what I can and can't say because you're FBI, CIA or is it KGB?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Updating my FAMOUS FIVE
After watching The Amityville Horror (2005) I was reminded how HOT Ryan Reynolds is and I knew I had to update my Famous Five. Sorry Gavin, you're beautiful but not HOT.
1. Johnny Depp
2. Matthew McConaughey
3. Brad Pitt
5. Drew Barrymore (yeah, I'd lez out for Drew! Plus I couldn't think of any other guys)
Conversation with Technical Support

When you call Technical Support on Sundays this is what happens behind the scenes. Real names have been changed to protect the innocent.
MacMan: LOL......... Jesus called and said he has been getting wierd e-mails lately and wanted to have his mail file scanned for viruses. I told him we signed him up for the anti-christ.com mailing list...........
ChandlerBing: his mail file 'scanned'?
ChandlerBing: omg
MacMan: Jesus.nsf :o)
ChandlerBing: not sure how he's making a connection between a file on the mail server and getting spam.
ChandlerBing: but whatever.
ChandlerBing: ;)
RockStar: Jesus Lopez - Superstar
RockStar: "who are you, what do you think you are?" EVERYBODY HELP ME WITH THE CHORUS!!!
ChandlerBing: didn't you get the memo that people in support dont work on the weekends now?
RockStar: then what the hell are WE doing here.
ChandlerBing: exactly
RockStar: i've got dogs to walk, beer to drink, hell to raise, and women to f....follow.
ChandlerBing: lol
RockStar: god help me, this subway "i cahn't put in mah order" and i said, "do you see at the top of your page - file-edit..." and she said "am ah supposet to be at mah computer?"
ChandlerBing: lol
MacMan: I wonder if she knows what a BMT is..............
MacMan: CTRL + ALT + Delete User.................
RockStar: the phone is at one end, and the computer is at the other, so i said "go to view orders" and she said "hol' on"...she's actually listening to my instructions, going to the computer, looking, coming back to the phone, telling me the answer, then going back
MacMan: ... the human carrier signal.
MacMan: They call her "Pace"
RockStar: we need a lightbulb: customer question: "did you get my order?" (did you get a confirmation?) "si." (your order is in the system)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
My baby brother Christopher is officially off the market. He proposed to his girlfriend Heather a few weeks ago and they are planning to get married June 3, 2006.
I'm happy for him but at the same time worried that they are making a mistake getting married so young. Yes, he's 23 years old and that isn't young for someone in Utah but in reality it's young. I can't really talk because I met Jory when I was 20 and I knew the moment we met I was going to marry him. We waited 6 years to get married only because Jory never planned on "getting married". I agreed with him that we didn't need the certificate to solidify our commitment, but somewhere deep inside me the girl came out and I realized I really wanted to have "the day" to celebrate our love with friends and family. So the night of April 20, 2003 standing on top of the rock in Moab, UT I "proposed". Had we married in our first year together, I'm sure we'd still be married but we have both changed and luckily we've changed together.
My brother has never lived on his own, never held a job from more than a year and hasn't paid his bills without help of our mother. I encouraged him to stay at home as long as he could but he forgot the 2nd part of that suggestion, save his money. Also he's been engaged before to a psycho and he couldn't see through his "love" for her. He's had 4 serious girlfriends and the last three he's been ready to marry. I'm not sure where my brother got his ideas on love and marriage because the theme in my family is to have long term relationships before getting married or not getting married at. One of my brothers was engaged for 10 years and then it ended, had they been married that would have meant a divorce. Another brother was engaged for 4 years when that relationship ended, he later met his wife and married her after a year. My other brother had a relationship for many years and last I heard he was dating a new girl (as far as I know).
It's looking like he's going to take my advice and get an apartment in January (needs to get (mostly) out of debt) and live on his own until they are married. I personally think he needs to live on his own for at least 6 months then have her move in, live together for another 6 months, then get married. This however isn't an option since they have already booked the honeymoon for June 4th.
I believe that my older brothers and I all learned from growing up in a divorced family to take our time making sure we are with the person we want to grow old with before we marry them. Maybe it's because he's the baby of the family and he is the "ours" in "Mine, His and Ours" so technically he didn't grow up with divorced parents. I'm sure it was a different world for him because he shares blood with both sides. We never looked at him as being any ones half brother and don't forget he's the youngest. I don't know what the reason is, I just hope that everything works out for him and Heather and I fully support them no matter what they do. Heather does have one thing going for her, she's the first girlfriend we've all liked.
Congratulations Christopher and Heather!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Jorlight Zone
Email Insanity
Got it, test you!
I got this email but not the others...weird. Our apartment must be in the Twilight zone.
Actually, I accidentally sent to your Gmail account.
Oh, so no Twilight zone? =(
Nope it's the Jorlight Zone...
Got it, test you!
I got this email but not the others...weird. Our apartment must be in the Twilight zone.
Actually, I accidentally sent to your Gmail account.
Oh, so no Twilight zone? =(
Nope it's the Jorlight Zone...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
16 Children!

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar just welcomed their 16th child yesterday! SIXTEENTH! All I want is one and if I can be selfish two would be perfect. I watched a documentary on the Duggar family close to a year ago. They had just started building their 7,000 sq ft baby warehouse, and she gave birth to Jackson Levi their 15th child during the last 30 minutes of the show. They drive a "Mormon Limo" or to non Utahrds, a huge ass cargo vans with seating for 14. Not too worry they also have a full size shuttle BUS for the whole family to travel together.
My point: It's just not fair!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Heat is On!
Poor little Mazzy Star is in heat! I feel like a horrible mother for not getting her spayed in time. Jory did bring up a good point though, unless there is a medical reason to get her spayed, what's the point? She's an indoor dog, she's always with us and it's only twice a year that we'll have to deal with it. Last night I read that toy breeds don't bleed much, if at all. So far Mazzy is keeping herself clean other than two tiny wet drops we found. I might still go buy her a diaper and some liners just in case, mainly because I think she'll look cute!
We're also trying out a new technique to get her to stop barking and so far Jory says it's working (he started using it today). You put 9 pennies in a soda can and shake it and tell her no when she barks. A friend from work told me about this technique she learned from Petco when she paid for puppy training. We'll let you know how it goes.
We're also trying out a new technique to get her to stop barking and so far Jory says it's working (he started using it today). You put 9 pennies in a soda can and shake it and tell her no when she barks. A friend from work told me about this technique she learned from Petco when she paid for puppy training. We'll let you know how it goes.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Week 16, yeah that's FOUR MONTHS!
Still coughing but it's changed. It's not so much choking, gasping for air cough. It's more of a reflex cough with the occasional vomit gag and choking up a mucusy loogie. Those of you that know me understand that I dry heave at the mere sound of anyone coughing up a loogie, pretend or real. So you must understand that I'm killing myself gagging when this happens.
I know, I know if I would just stop smoking this would probably be gone by now. I'm not stupid, just an addict.
I know, I know if I would just stop smoking this would probably be gone by now. I'm not stupid, just an addict.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
My Angel Reading...Thanks Sara!

Sara says: Okay, I am going to draw an angel card for you....and let's see what your angels have to say to you
Joey says: Kool
Sara says: Concentrate on a question or whatever...like, send energy like ...tell me what I need to know at this time, etc...and i'll concentrate at the same time.
Sara says: ready? go!
Sara says: okay, i tried to pull one but two came out...so apparently they hve a couple of messages for you.
Joey says: kool
Sara says: my hands got pretty warm so good job if you were concentrating hard on sending energy
Sara says: the first Angel is Teresa
Sara says: "Time out! you've been so busy taking care of everyone else's needs, but now it's time to stop and take care of yourself!"
Sara says: Dear one, you've been working very hard! You're very tired now, yet you keep pushing yourself to work more, more, more! I am here to firmly and lovingly take your hand, and tell you to 'Stop!'
Cease working for a moment and take a respite. you have certainly earned it, and you will be more efficient and productive after taking this rest.
You give so much to others that at times like this you become unbalanced. your inner child yearns for nurturing and no one is going to give you that loving care but yourself and the angels.
So, give yourself permission to take a much-needed time-out. Take a nap, or go play for a while. Please don't delay this guidance. We assure you that your responsibilities will all be met, and you will gather new energy and ideas during your time-out. We will also bring you additional Earthly help, and assist you in delegating work.
Sara says: that was the first one.
Joey says: Crazy! That was no bullshit
Sara says: the second Angel is Raye
Sara says: Yoga and exercise are essential to your well-being, peace of mind, and spiritual growth right now.
Sara says: You have received strong guidance to engage in yoga and other forms of exercise, and this card serves as additional validation. Physical movement is essential to realizing your dreams, desires, and intentions. It gives you the energy and vitality that will help you begin and complete your projects. It opens you up to new, creative ideas.
Joey says: to babies!
Sara says: And yoga cleanses and enlarges your chakra centers so that you can hear our angelic guidance loud and clear. TO BABIES!
Sara says: Yoga also allows a noisy mind to become quiet so that it can meditate and hear the voice of Heaven. Although you may feel intimidated by yoga or excerise, I will help you smooth the way. If you ask me, I will help you tailor an exercise program to fit your schedule, interests, and fitness level. You will receive this guidance in the form of repetitive thoughts and feelings, and also through information about yoga or excercise that comes to you from 'out of the blue'.
I know that you're a busy person, but I promise you that the increased level of energy you'll feel after excercising will give you the equivalent of more hours in your day.
Sara says: the end
Joey says: that's true
Sara says: that feels right...
Joey says: Seriously, both of those were RIGHT ON POINT!
Sara says: woohoo!! So, you need to slow down and quit taking care of everyone. Do something for yourself.
Sara says: okay, love ya! gnite!
Joey says: K, girl I'm out.
Sara says: word
Sara says: see ya!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Who does that?
When I first started my job, I immediately noticed all the birds in the big tree right outside the main doors. The chirping was relaxing and reminding me of walking through Willow Park as a child. Not too long had passed when I realized how LOUD these birds could be. Trying to talk on the phone outside became a challenge. The person on the other end would ask where I was because it sounded like a rain forest. This was nothing compared to the planes flying over Discover Card, that was LOUD!
I was just outside taking a little "oxygen" break and I think the birds were in the middle of a Gang War. It was so loud, I YELLED at the birds to shut up. Who does that? Who yells at birds? Apparently I do and it was a little embarrassing when I turned around to find some guy walking up the sidewalk.
I was just outside taking a little "oxygen" break and I think the birds were in the middle of a Gang War. It was so loud, I YELLED at the birds to shut up. Who does that? Who yells at birds? Apparently I do and it was a little embarrassing when I turned around to find some guy walking up the sidewalk.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I layed down my Kool hat and picked up my new Geek hat. Joey now has a GMail account. I knew by entering the world of IT, the dreaded Geekory would spread. I was right.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
10 Months
You have been in our lives now for 8 months. I can't imagine a day without you. You are such a smart girl and you love entertaining us with your tricks even when we're not looking. I melt when you climb up on my chest and hug me. When you don't cuddle up with me at night I have a hard time falling asleep. Even though your barking drives me nuts, it makes me feel so loved when I come home for work and you're jumping at my feet doing your best "Barker Posey" impression. Thank you for filling the hole in my heart by being the baby I haven't been able to have yet.
Hugs & Kisses, Mommy
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Tattoo Solicitation

For our 8th Anniversary, I decided I wanted another tattoo. I wanted to get it done on our trip to California, but we didn't have enough time and I didn't really know what I wanted. I want it on my ring finger and I want either Jory, JDJ, J or Jory Dan weaved into a band all the way around. But I don't just want the letters J O R Y etc.. to be tattooed, I want it to look like a design or at the very least in a Celtic/tribal/design-like font. Before the comments flood in, I'm not superstitious, so keep your negativity to yourself.
This is my solicitation for help on finding the right tattoo. I want someone I know that can DRAW to sketch me up some ideas because I want it to be original. So pick up your pencils and pens and draw me something! If I don't find something I like with his name or initials, I've come up with another idea. I'm not sure how feasible it is though. (See the picture above)
We didn't do traditional wedding rings, I found our rings at my favorite store, "The Dancing Cranes" in SLC. They were made by local artists and cost me a whopping $13 a piece. They are puzzle rings of a man and a woman intertwined. Tell me what you think.
Monday, September 19, 2005
THANK YOU Dr. whatever your name is!

Jory isn't herniated or dying, THANK YOU Dr. whatever your name is! He wrote about it this morning when he got home, you can read it here. I love you Jory J! You have to stop falling apart at least until they invent robot parts for transplant.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Robiwan Kenobi
Sorry we couldn't be there to celebrate with you. We miss you both & the boys and hope to see you in Decemeber when we come for a visit. I'm sure your birthday party was excellent as always, and I promise I won't read any Martha Stewart mags at the next one we attend.
Love you guys!
Friday, September 16, 2005
No Jory, I'm not trying to kill you!
Not a lot has been happening around here lately other than Jory's mysterious hernia pain and I've been experiencing some serious fatigue. This of course is one of the many draw backs of having PCOS. Those of you that have read by blog from the beginning know that I have shared with the world that I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I'm also Insulin Resistant, Bipolar and have Hyperthyroidism. All these combined with my healthy diet of Mt. Dew and cigarettes have caused me to currently be fat and infertile. Most recently I have been "outed" for being the biggest RENOB on the planet for missing the deadline to sign up for health insurance with my company this past May. No Jory, I'm not trying to kill you! You know how shitty I felt that night, there were tears. If there was anyone on this planet that needed health insurance, it was ME! After being diagnosed in September 2001, I had been taking a daily regime of 20 or more pills. I had lost about 60 lbs and we decided it was time for fertility treatments. Six unsuccessful months later I quit my job which meant no more insurance and after my last month of fertility drugs which did nothing but make me fat, we bought a house and moved to Nibley. Warning GIRL TALK forthcoming. My period and any chance of ovulating immediately disappeared as it had before I was diagnosed two years earlier.
Over a year later, without my medication, my metabolism dropped to a sleepy crawl and all the symptoms came back one by one, full throttle. 2nd Warning GIRL TALK forthcoming. Oddly enough on our trip to Humboldt my period arrived unannounced but very welcomed. Who knows what this means.
Week 16 of the Whoop, I think? It's been so long I'm loosing count. I wonder what the record length is, not that I really want the award. I'm sure if the smoking habit was completely annihilated the cough would go too.
Jory's doctor appointment is Monday, we'll let you know how he's doing after they pull the alien from his belly.
Over a year later, without my medication, my metabolism dropped to a sleepy crawl and all the symptoms came back one by one, full throttle. 2nd Warning GIRL TALK forthcoming. Oddly enough on our trip to Humboldt my period arrived unannounced but very welcomed. Who knows what this means.
Week 16 of the Whoop, I think? It's been so long I'm loosing count. I wonder what the record length is, not that I really want the award. I'm sure if the smoking habit was completely annihilated the cough would go too.
Jory's doctor appointment is Monday, we'll let you know how he's doing after they pull the alien from his belly.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Becky & Ryan Sitting In A Tree...K I S S I N G!
Sorry we missed the wedding, we would have been there if at all possible! We were in Arcata, CA at Eric and Athena's wedding Sept. 2nd (the day after yours). I'm sure it was an awesome experience and I'm sad I missed out. Wish you all the best and hope to see you in the future!
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