The picture wasn't doctored Mr. Taylor. Don't be a hater! =) But thanks for the excuse to post another picture of the sexy Van Wilder.
No, I'm not trying to reveal the mystery that is TOM. I just don't know what I can and can't say because you're FBI, CIA or is it KGB?
Hahaha! Nice. (Except I'm still with Tom on doctored.)
I don't know that we could unveil the mystery that is Tom, even if we all combined our efforts! He's an enigma. ;)
For your information, it's a combination of MI5, NSA, Justice League of America, GI Joe, ATF, League of Shadows, Fa Lun Gong, the Jedi council, and the A-Team!
Oh crap, now you know! I'm going to have to kill you all! Please be at the bus stop at the corner of North Temple and 1000 West at 8:30am on Monday, October 31 so that I can eliminate you all at once (it's hard getting to all of my targets on the bus...)
Thank you for your understanding.
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