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Thursday, July 14, 2005


A is for Age: 28

B is for Booze: Crown Royal and Skyy Vodka…drink would be “Adios MotherFucker”

C is for Career: Technical Support for a GIGANTIC company

D is for Dad's Name: Doyle, step is Gary, inlaw is Ken

E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party: camera

F is for Favorite song at the moment: Rich Girl – Gwen Stefani

G is for Goof off thing to do: Read Dooce all day long…I’m almost caught up.

H is for Hometown: Logan, Utah

I is for Instrument You Play: currenly my ipod…I’ve always wanted a drum to play.

J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Raspberry

K is for Kids: 2, Mazzy Star our precious Pom princess and Jerry Garcia my lazy stoned ferret.

L is for Living Arrangement: My husband Jory and our “kids” in a shit hole apartment (I miss our house).

M is for Mom's name: Debbie

N is for Names of Good Friends: Jory, Shane, Juli, Jen, Jenni, Jon, Jen, Sara, Sarah, Em, Adam, Wy, Regina, Robby, Todd, Darby, Tom, Rod, Eric, Athena, …I can’t possibly list everyone.

O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: A year ago, not for me, my brother Shane had a really bad accident so I stayed with him in the hospital for a week.

P is for Phobia's: Spiders, snakes, giant bugs, scorpions, small spaces, heights, large open water…I’m sure there are more.

Q is for Quotes You Like: after the rain the rainbow

R is for Relationships lasted the longest: been with Jory going on 8 years, been married for almost 2 years.

S is for Siblings: 4 brothers: Jason, Shane, Colby and Christopher (Oldest to youngest)…also have steps on my dad’s side: Jody and Jason.

T is for Texas, Ever been there? Yes…Houston it was really HOT and really HUMID!

U is for Unique Trait: I can spit water, soda, milk (any fluid really) out of the hold in my lip!

V is for Vegetables you love: Green Beans, Potatoes, Corn, lettuce, beets

W is for Worst Traits: Biting my nails, vulgar language, addiction to reality tv.

X is for Xrays you've had: hand, arm, ankle, neck, spine and Dental

Y is for Yummy food you make: Mac n’ cheese (sometimes with brats), Hamburger Helper rice mix but with Chicken instead! Meatloaf, Ham & Swiss Spagetti, grilled cheese & tomato soup, pigs in a blanket, creps.

Z is for Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah we got a shout out!!

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