Today is the day we leave on vacation to Arcata, CA for our friends, Eric and Athena's wedding. There's been a lot of prep going into this trip. There was the whooping cough that took Manhatten and my lungs. Still is, Week 11 my friends, week E-l-e-v-e-n! Muscles were ripped from my back by the evil Dr. W. Cough. Couldn't go pee without crying and Jory had to bathe me and wash my hair. God I love that man! By the way I moved back into our bed two nights ago, no more sleeping on the couch for me!
Can't forget the retards who spent over $400 for a dead battery, winning us the coveted 2005 Dumbass of the Year Award! Since I'm back to bending over and standing up without gasping in pain, Jory decides it's his turn. He's been having pains in the area of his fixed hernia. We're trying to hold out until we have insurance to have him "inspected" because of the potential cost. So hopefully he can make it through this trip before his guts explode out of his belly button. You would think that would be all, right? Not a chance.
I paid off my car this past January, waiting very patiently, maybe too patiently for the bank to mail me my title. We were a little busy with changing jobs, selling our house and moving to another state! Give me some slack, will ya? By the time I realized I hadn't received my title I only had 30 days to register my car, expired in June. If you move from Utah to Arizona you have to have your title to register your car. So after I recovered enough to pee on my own, I contact my bank and they sent me a title release for me to mail to the Utah DMV to get a copy of my title. The original was apparently lost in the mail. I didn't get this taken care of in time so we are traveling on expired plates. I still have to go home, clean the ferret cage, pack the car and stop at a gas station for travel snacks and such before we officially get on the road. It's take me all day to write this and I'm really tired. Jory might have to drive the first leg. Will post pictures and stories from the road when we return. Kneel before Budda, have a moment of silence, pray to whoever you pray to that we make it to and from California without getting pulled over! Thank you!
You WILL get here safe and sound or else!! I'll unleash the beast on anyone or anything that attempts to keep you from getting here ok!
Jory, if an alien jumps out of your guts I'm gonna freak out!
Love you guys and best of luck!!
Thank you guys for being so dedicated to coming out here!! It means alot to Eric, I'm glad hes got such good friends! We're sending good energies your way for a safe trip. Cant wait til ya get here we've got a lot of fun stuff planned! See ya soon.
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