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Monday, July 31, 2006

We're Baaaack!

We made it home safely. Pictures and a real post coming soon!

Something I have to mention now about our trip to Utahrd was how much HOTTER it was than Phoenix the entire time we were there! Last Thursday it was 94° in PHX and 105° in SLC! I won't start about the humidity quite yet.

By the was a beautiful 94° today in Phoenix!

And our forecast for the rest of the week...

Tue 94°F/78°F
Wed 98°F/79°F
Thur 99°F/81°F
Fri 96°F /77°F

I'm can't tell you how many times I was asked, "How are you enjoying the 120° weather in Arizona?" Which I always responded with, I don't know, I've never experienced 120°F anywhere! In fact, did you know it's cooler in PHX right now than it is here in UT?
Take that Bitches!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

13 Weeks 4 days "High and to the right, like a Republican."

My appointment was pretty F'n Kool! The doc tried to hear the heart beat with the Doppler but couldn't find it. I wanted to tell him the baby is sitting really high up but I don't like telling DOCTORS what to do. AND I really wanted an ultrasound so I kept my mouth shut.

So I had my first belly U/S and we could see the baby very clearly, well more clearly than in the past and see her heart beat and see her move. We have seen the baby move in the past but it was moving around so fast it doesn't really seem real...if you know what I mean. This time we got to see the baby move her head kinda like she was looking at us, telling us to back the fuck off and stop disturbing her. (I'm using HER/SHE until we know the sex, it's just easier that way.) No picture again. I don't know why, does the paper cost like $50 a pop or something? Doesn't make sense to me.

Oh and guess where the baby was? That's right...up high and to the right! Doc said "High and to the right, like a Republican." LOL! Even more comforting to know he's not a ReThug.

Anyway so since he found her on U/S, he pulled the Doppler back out and tried to find the heart beat. After a few silent moments, there it was, so strong, so quiet, so cute. Such a kool moment, I won't ever forget it!

Four weeks until my next appointment, August 17th.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

13 Weeks and a Bunch of Babble

Still feeling fairly good. Actually I feel fabulous other than the constant exhaustion and need for a nap. I've thought very seriously about bringing a lunch to work and napping during my lunch hour and eating afterward at my desk. It's not like I'm busy working. I just really enjoy going home for lunch and seeing Jory because that won't continue to happen once he finds a job.

I do seriously appreciate not ever having morning sickness. Every morning I wake up, feeling tired, but at least I'm not barfing! It could be worse, much much worse.

This morning I woke up 2 hours early with really bad heartburn, which normally replaces morning sickness in the 2nd trimester. I moved to the couch and tried to get comfy enough to fall asleep but that didn't happen. I ate some cereal and decided to watch some TV. At some point I fell asleep and snoozed until 1:30 PM, the time I should be leaving for work. OOPS!

I have two doctor appointments this week. Yes TWO, doesn't make since I know. My 14 week appointment had to be moved to this Thursday since I'll be in Utahrd next Monday. I think we'll be trying to listen for the heartbeat, if we don't hear anything with the doppler, then they'll have to do another ultrasound, WAHOO! I don't know why doctors are so anti-u/s? The machine is right there, takes 2 seconds to add my name, what's the friggin' deal?

Anyway, the other appointment is Wednesday (tomorrow). Two appointments ago I had asked him about my Hypothyroidism and the fact that he had yet to prescribe me my medicine. First off, he needed to get me my medicine NOW DAMNIT so I can have any sort of metabolism and have any luck at loosing this extra baggage I've been carrying since I was last on my medicine let alone the extra baggage from before I was even diagnosed back in 2001. Secondly, I had read in "What to expect when you are expecting" that if you have a thyroid disorder you should be extra sure to be on your medication because your baby needs those hormones or it could also end up with the disorder. And that it was just really really bad.

Dr. Seal says "What to expect..." is full of shit and we can have my blood tested again, he thought my previous results were fine. (Whatever! You don't just go from having Hypothyroidism to not having it at all. This weight is not just caused by my EXTREME case of Insulin Resistance. HELLO!) So my test results came back last Friday, thyroid levels are extremely low. (DUH!) But I don't have AIDS or Chlamydia YAH! & DUH!

He wanted me to get into the office asap which ended up being Wednesday. Why can't I just wait one more day and add that to my list of stuff to do on Thursday? Let me tell you...Thursday's appointment is free, it's covered by my insurance so I'm assuming he wants to squeeze a $30 co-pay out of me where he can.

I'm not sure if I'll get around to posting again before we leave Friday morning but I'm sure we'll be taking the laptop and camera (can't forget the camera!) so we might post updates as far as where we will be and what we'll be doing. That was a really long sentence. Oh well. I'm tired.

Actually I'll try to remember and post about my Thursday appointment, hopefully this time we'll get the little one to hold still for a picture, if we're lucky enough to get an u/s. If Baby Johnson doesn't we'll know Baby J is definitely Jory version 2.0 because it apparently doesn't like press just like dad.

Speaking of the Little One, Baby Johnson, Baby J, it, s/he...we seriously need a nickname of sorts until we know whether it's a boy or a girl. It's hard to post about IT while avoiding the he's and she's, her's/his. Feel free to give us ideas.

I'm going to stop rambling now. Sometimes I feel like I've lost my brain. Sorry about all the babble. Seriously I'm stopping now.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Johnson's Utahrd Itinerary

As you should all know by now, the Johnson's are once again coming to Utahrd to see all our fabulous friends and family. I have listed a calendar below for your viewing pleasure. We don't yet have a specific plan once we get to SLC, because Jory's family comes first. But we would like to see everyone and Partly Like the (pregnant) Rock Stars we are!

We will keep you posted on the possibility of any parties we will be attending as well as dinner gatherings. If you don't see us, it's not from our lack of trying. We've been to Utahrd 3 times in the last year and a half (Not counting our recently trip to Koosharem, UT). How many times have you come to see us? That's Right Bitches! We love you all anyway!

See you soon!

Fri. 21st-Leaving AZ, Late Lunch in Cedar City, Stay in Provo

Sat. 22nd-Driving to Thayne, WY, Staying at Shane & Jessie's new house

Sun. 23rd-Family BBQ at Shane's

Mon. 24th-Driving to Logan, BBQ (Everyone is welcome to come) at Joey's mom's house

Tue. 25th-Driving to Salt Lake City, Stopping in Ogden to see Sara's new house

Wed. 26th-In or around SLC or Provo

Thur. 27th-In or around SLC or Provo

Fri. 28th-Partying in SLC (somewhere)

Sat. 29th-Probably hanging in Provo with Jory's dad

Sun. 30th-Driving home to Phoenix

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My missing posts from May 28th-July 10th

Being a blogger and a previous journal-er, I couldn't go through the last two months without blogging about this new adventure! I've secretly blogged about everything here. But have posted it all below for your reading pleasure.

The day we found out

Sunday May 28, 2006
Before work today I took my car to Walmart for an oil change, they’re super cheap and super fast! While I was there I figured I may as well go ahead and buy a pregnancy test because my boobs have been sore for over a week. I’m 11 days late, but that really isn’t abnormal for me. The first time I went on Glucophage in 2001, I became regular like clockwork, but this time around with Metformin, I’ve been a week or two late each cycle. My boobs’ being sore wasn’t an obvious sign either. My boobs were really sore in April but only for 2 days right before my period. I had almost purchased a pregnancy test the previous Thursday, but I’ve done that so often and been so disappointed when they all came back negative.

(Possible TMI ahead!)
Friday came and my Dr’s appointment was cancelled due to a family emergency. Friday night my hopes were smashed when I started bleeding. Saturday morning I woke up depressed, went to the bathroom and no blood? Weird. I went all day Saturday randomly checking, no blood. This morning I woke up, no blood but boobs are still sore. Maybe there is a chance!
(TMI over)
Walmart took longer than usual with my car so I had to rush to work. I sort of forgot about the test most of the afternoon, but had read through the directions at least 3 times.

While driving home for lunch, I decided I was going to take the test. I remembered the directions said if you take the test up to 4 days before your period is supposed to start you need to take it in the morning when you first wake up. But if you’re late, you can take it anytime during day.

I got home and told Jory I was going to take the test, I had to pee anyway. As soon as I was done, I opened the door so Jory could come in and we followed the directions, sat the test down and planned to wait the 3 minutes. Jory picked up the instructions to verify I followed them correctly, he seriously has OCD! ;)

As we started looking at the instructions, Jory looked down then up and smiled at me. I immediately looked at the test and it said PREGNANT, it had only been seconds!

We both beamed at each other, but didn’t want to celebrate too early, so we agreed to wait the full 3 minutes JUST TO MAKE SURE before we got excited. We were both grinning ear to ear, pacing around, thinking this was too good to be true! This was the first real try with Clomid after my surgery. There is no way it could have been this easy!

After we concluded that 3 minutes had passed, we hugged and kissed and agreed to try and stay calm. You’re not supposed to celebrate until after the doctor confirms it, especially with my medical phenomenons. It was so hard coming back to work, I’m too excited, I can hardly stand sitting here! I have to tell someone!

I just called my mom, she’s super excited but has to keep it quiet until after my Dr.’s appointment. Unfortunately I sort of ruined this whole thing for my mom. I had called her a week ago and asked her what her early signs were. I checked in with her every other day or so and made her promise she wouldn’t tell a soul not even my dad. So now this is going to be even harder for her because she knows it’s real now. I’m actually really surprised she hasn't told anyone yet, she has a hard time keeping secrets. ;)

We’ve been trying to quit smoking seriously for the last 5 months and I knew it may take getting pregnant to finally quit. As horrible as it may be I plan on starting fresh tomorrow morning. I hope this part is going to be as easy as I’ve thought it would be. I’m going to stay positive!

“Yes mom, still pregnant.”

Monday May 29, 2006
Took another test this morning, I woke Jory to tell him I’m still PREGNANT! It’s Memorial Day, so I can’t call the doctor yet to make my appointment. Mom called today, I had told her I was planning on taking another test today. “Yes mom, still pregnant.” This is going to be really hard for her. At least Jory and I can talk to each other about it, she has no one. She says she’s trying not to think about…that’s not working for me! I’ve already started an online baby registery, I have to keep myself busy somehow. In case someone happens to find it, I know it’s unlikely but just in case, I made the due date November 1st. The birthmom is due in November, so everyone will just assume it's for the adoption.

My boobs are still sore, no morning sickness though.

Not smoking is easy so far, but I know it’s not going to be this easy for long!

I’m having a really hard time not telling the world I’m pregnant! I really hope I can get in to my doctors on Tuesday! I know that by taking 2 tests, it’s pretty much a FOR SURE thing, but I don’t want to let myself get too excited before the doctor says I’m OK. I’m just so surprised it worked the first time! What a miracle. I don’t know how I’ll deal if I miscarry. Please don’t let me miscarry!

She said she’d squeeze me in at 10:30 AM tomorrow!

Tuesday May 30, 2006
This morning I called and left a voicemail requesting an appointment ASAP. Got a call back while I was at work, the receptionist was really excited for me and offered an appointment on Friday. I begged for anything soon, she said she’d squeeze me in at 10:30 AM tomorrow! I’m so excited, I seriously can’t wait. I can’t wait to get my first ultrasound and hear the baby’s heartbeat! That’s not going to happen for awhile.

Signed up on, according to the calendar I’m 5 weeks along and due January 26, 2007! How kool is that? We’ll see how accurate that is compared to what the doctor says. I’ve read that they can tell how far along you are better by measuring the length of the baby. I can’t stop surfing baby sites! It’s helping make the day go by faster here at work.

All these “I wonder” questions are filling my brain! Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Do I care? I just want a baby! It would be nice to have a boy first, for the Big Brother factor. But I’ve always dreamed that I was going to have a girl. I don’t think there is much chance in our family of having a girl. I have all brothers and J only has brothers. I’m just happy to finally be pregnant. I’m going to love every minute of this adventure. I don’t mean to sound so cliché but that’s how I look at this. I don’t care about how this is going to change my body or if I get morning sickness. I can’t wait for our baby to come into this world and change our lives completely! I can’t wait to look into our baby’s eyes and share the world with him or her. I’m going to cry if I don’t stop now and crying at work is very embarrassing. I can’t wait until tomorrow!

First Appointment...1st Ultrasound at 6 weeks 3 days!

Wednesday May 31, 2006
Jory and I went to my appointment today, we had to wait FOREVER! I drank 32 oz of water an hour before, so I’d be able to pee in the cup. I was having a hard time not peeing my pants! They finally called me back, peed in the cup and back to waiting. After another 30 minutes of waiting, they called us back and the nurse told me we were going to do an ultrasound. No way! Just then my doctor came in and told the nurse we weren’t doing an u/s. No way? She told him I’m far enough along, she did the math, the first day of my last cycle was April XXth so I’m 6 weeks and 3 days along. “Oh, well if that’s the case, let’s do it!”

I’ve had so many ultrasounds I wasn’t really expecting to see anything really. I also remembered that episode of Friends where Rachel and Ross were getting her u/s and she pretended to see it but really didn’t see anything. I wasn’t prepared to pretend, I wanted to really see something.

Baby Bean is Due January 22, 2007!

There it was, plain as day! It looks like a black oval with something super tiny at the bottom. That tiny something is our baby! My doctor measured it and said it’s coming along like a boy. But it’s way too early to tell for sure. A boy? A Boy! OMG we could be having a boy! We really need to find some boy names. We have a list of girl names, those are easy. Boy names are hard.

They congratulated us again and then came the scary news. He was really happy we got in to see him when we did because my body isn’t producing enough hormones to keep the pregnancy. He tells me I need to get my blood tested today and I’ll probably have to get a Progesterone shot ever day so I don’t miscarry. Fear fills my veins. Miscarry? I knew I had a higher chance than most of having a miscarriage but that’s not what I wanted to hear at my first appointment. I try to relax and not stress because that can’t be good for the baby.

We leave the doctor’s office and celebrate when we get in the car. We’re pregnant! WAHOO! Now we can tell our immediate families and some of my close girl friends.

I dropped Jory off and headed over to Sonora, the same place that took 14 vials of my blood a few months back. What’s funny is they recognized me! It only takes like 15 minutes total and I’m on my way home.

On my way to work, I call my mom and confirm that we really are pregnant. She can’t celebrate because she’s in the car with my dad and they’re on their way to California for his birthday. The night before, we agreed to wait until his birthday to tell him because my mom wasn’t going to be able to keep it quiet until Father’s Day. But I could tell she was going crazy so I told her to call me back when they are stopped somewhere and I will tell him.

Not 20 minutes later, my dad calls my cell phone but I’m on a call at work and can’t answer. I hurry and finish my call, walk outside and call him. I asked him if he wanted his birthday gift early. He asked me how I was going to do that since he was on his way to California. I told him I would tell him what the gift was. He said he didn’t want to ruin it, he could wait. I told him he really wanted his birthday gift early. After having to convince him for a bit, he said OK. I asked him if he was sure. He said No No, he could wait. Enough of this, so I told him he did and I said, “You’re going to be a grandpa”. I think he was in shock, so I said, “I’m pregnant!” He said it was the best birthday present ever.

I also called my bestfriend Juli, asked her if she wanted her birthday present early. She told me I couldn’t get her one because I bought her plane ticket when she came out in March. I convinced her it was ok and told her she was going to be an aunt. She was just as shocked and excited as I expected! Jory and I have decided to wait until Friday to call the rest of our families so we can do it together.

Daily Progesterone

Thursday June 1, 2006 Got a call from the doctor’s, my progesterone level is 9 and the low should be 25. Not good! I’ll have to go in to the doctor’s office every day and get a Progesterone shot. On weekends, I have to take two pills in the morning and two at night. I will also have to go back to Sonora and get my blood drawn once a week to test my levels. Monday will be my next blood test day, perfect. I work late Sunday nights 4 PM to 1 AM. So I’m going to get home late Sunday and have to get up EARLY Monday for a blood test and my shot, nice. The things I’m willing to do to be a mommy. I can’t wait to be a mommy!

Can’t wait for Friday, it’s so hard not to call everyone! I want to scream it from the mountain tops!

I do have a new symptom. I’m hungry all the time! The only good thing about this is I’m starving for salads, for good food, lots and lots of healthy food. I don’t even want to think about fast food. I’m currently addicted to Roman Salads at Quiznos, so delicious!

My First Shot

Friday June 2, 2006
I went to the doctor’s office today expecting to wait an hour for my first shot. The lady sitting to my left was complaining to someone on the phone that she had been waiting over an hour. I almost felt bad when they called me in after only 15 minutes.

The nurse, my favorite nurse took me back and gave me my shot. She said that I’ll want to ice it for 10 minutes, heat it for 10 minutes and repeat. She said to do this twice a day every day I get shots otherwise I will be in a lot of pain. I don’t know where I’m going to find all the time to do this. I already have to get up 2 hours early to go to the office and get my shot before work. I don’t have time to ice/heat/ice/heat my hips Damnit!

Oh and the best part, the shots are going to make me drowsy. Now isn’t that exciting? It will be like taking a sleeping pill and trying to stay awake while I drive to work and sit at my desk forcing myself not to fall face first on my desk. I can’t wait.

My BOOBS are exploding...

Wednesday June 7, 2006
I’m getting used to waking up early to go get my shot. I don’t have to wait too long now. They call me in quick and take care of business.

Today I went home to get dressed for work and put on one of my form fitting girl button up shirts and my boobs were exploding out the holes. I had to show Jory, we laughed. We can't really afford to have to purchase new clothes already. Aaaaand my boobs are big enough, everyone that knows me can tell you that!

It’s getting easier to work, I spend most my time on the boards. Although I get real sleepy after my lunch, I might have fallen asleep for a second or two while working. Shhh!

2nd Ultrasound at 8 weeks

Monday June 12, 2006
We had our 2nd ultrasound today, currently 8 weeks along and we got to see the heartbeat! (Heart rate was 165) With our first U/S my doctor said it was growing like a he says 4 out of 5 it's a girl! Can't wait to finally find out!

3rd Ultrasound at 10 weeks!

Monday June 26, 2006
Here is my 3rd ultrasound at 10 weeks 1 day. Heart rate was 176 so we're believing more and more it may be a girl. Who knows? Starting to look a bit more like a baby instead of a blur though. The doctor had a hard time getting the heart rate because the baby woke up during the ultrasound. How F'ing Kool is that?

4th Ultrasound at 12 weeks

Monday July 10, 2006
My appointment today went well. I was surprised with a full exam, pap and all. My doctor broke my heart when he said we weren't doing an ultrasound! He tried to listen to the heartbeat with the doppler but we couldn't hear anything. So HURRAY he had to do an U/S! However, exciting and disappointing at the same time the baby was doing some serious gymnastics and wouldn't hold still so everytime he tried to get a good picture it was a big blur. So no 12 week pic for us.

I'm done with the progesterone shots, but still have to take the pills at least for the next week. Next appointment is July 20, praying for good u/s pics!

Monday, July 10, 2006

We've been keeping a secret...


I'm 3 months as of yesterday, we waited to say anything because we wanted to make it past the first trimester. Baby Johnson is due January 22nd and we don't know whether it's a boy or a girl yet. We want to thank everyone who has been there for us through our struggle for the last 5 years. We are extremely excited for this new adventure!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Famous Five Updated!

Per Jory's suggestion, I've updated my Famous Five. It's not laminated so I can do that!

My Famous Five: 5 celebrities I'm allowed to have a one night stand with if the occasion arises. In no particular order.

1. Johnny Depp

2. Matthew McConaughey

3. Brad Pitt

4. Dane Cook

5. Ryan Reynolds

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

"Sunday Bloody Sunday"

No it's not Sunday, but Holy Shrub Batman! AssFace is singing U2!

Thanks to and Rx @

Monday, July 03, 2006

Dane Cook, nuff said.

I would be a little surprised if you didn't already know who Dane Cook is, but I'll forgive you if you don't. He's the No. 1 (Professional) Funny Fucker this year! (Jory, you're not professional so you are still the No. 1 (amateur) Funny Fucker!) I can't get enough of his comedy. Jory and I have been watching his Tourgasm on HBO every Sunday. Honestly it's the only reason I haven't cancelled HBO now that Big Love and The Sopranos seasons are over for the year. It's so hilarious, you should check it out.

Check Dane out on his website, and listen to his podcast or clips of his CD "Retaliation". Or check him out on his MySpace or Tourgasm MySpace.

Here's a video so you can enjoy him now!

Dane Cook: Insomniac Tour

Comedy bit by Dane Cook on the Insomniac Tour. Hilarious!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm a Quitter!

On May 29, 2006 I, Joey C. Johnson quit smoking cigarettes. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I admit, I had one the first and second nights. I shared one with Jory the third night and the fourth night the first drag tasted like shit so I stopped there. I held on to that thought and haven't had one since. It has been 35 days since I quit and I still crave them. I'm passed the habit of smoking when I would have had one before; like after each meal, when I get in the car, when I call someone to chat, when I'm stressed out or simply need a break from whatever I'm doing.

In fact I passed a milestone a couple weeks ago. We had a very stressful situation occur, it was bad enough I was even crying. I don't cry often. It was not until after the ordeal had ended and Jory and I were laughing about it, that I realized, not once during the entire meltdown did I think about wanting to smoke. That's Fucking Amazing! I never thought I'd get to a point that I wouldn't think about smoking during any stressful situations!

There will be moments when I walk by smokers and gag from the smell. Then there are others when the smoke smells as good as fresh baked cinnamon rolls. I can definitely understand how people fall off the wagon so easily. I've smoked almost a pack a day for the last 11 years and I refuse to be a slave to the cigarette again, but I will miss my friend Mr. Smokey for the rest of my life.

RIP Mr. Smokey!

Donate for My Kindness Project to Honor Jack!