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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

4th Ultrasound at 12 weeks

Monday July 10, 2006
My appointment today went well. I was surprised with a full exam, pap and all. My doctor broke my heart when he said we weren't doing an ultrasound! He tried to listen to the heartbeat with the doppler but we couldn't hear anything. So HURRAY he had to do an U/S! However, exciting and disappointing at the same time the baby was doing some serious gymnastics and wouldn't hold still so everytime he tried to get a good picture it was a big blur. So no 12 week pic for us.

I'm done with the progesterone shots, but still have to take the pills at least for the next week. Next appointment is July 20, praying for good u/s pics!


Mr. E Mann said...

I well remember all the adventures of trying to get good U/S's and monitoring of heartbeats etc. I hated being at the hospital since I despise the environment, but loved it at the same time to see/hear your child for the first time!

Isn't it at 18 weeks you get your first real chance to determine sex? We can't wait to hear what you find out!

Joey C Johnson said...

Yeah between 16 and 20 weeks is when we should find out if it's an innie or an outie ;)

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