Jerry Garcia Johnson
1998 - 2007
1998 - 2007
I woke up this morning to an unrecognizable high pitched cry and wasn't sure if it was real or not. I ran out to the living room and noticed Jory was in the bathroom. I asked out loud, if that was real or in my dream? Jory responded from the bathroom, "yeah it was real, it was Jerry". I put on some shorts and ran over to Jerry's cage. To my worst fears, Jerry was seizing just like his sister Janis did when she had her stroke. Jory and I both broke down and cried. We decided instead of taking Jerry to the vet (if we could, it's Sunday) and have him poked and prodded before he died, we'd make him comfortable and let him pass away at home with us. We crushed up a couple Ambien and a Soma and mixed it with his favorite treat Ferretone. Within 30 minutes he was sleeping comfortably. We both took turns holding him, caressing his paws and head and telling him to go play with Janis. I assured him Jack would take real good care of him. A few hours later Jerry passed away.
Jerry was our lazy stoner ferret. He wasn't wild and crazy like Janis was. Jerry preferred to lounge around and nap most of his days away. Back in January we bought him this super deluxe cage and hooked up his tunnels for extra fun. He seemed to love it and crawl all the way to the 4th floor rather then the 2nd floor for a quick drink. Whenever I would take him outside to play in the grass, he would flop down on his big belly and soak up the sun. After Janis died 2 years ago, Jerry seemed a bit lost. What little playing he did before pretty much ceased. However, Jerry did enjoy the occasional Mazzy or Jimi nose poking through his cage to say Hello.
We miss and love you Jerry!
See you in the stars.

Jerry Garcia Johnson
I miss him. Even though I was always complaining about the smell, and the cage cleaning, he was the only ferret that I ever really trusted, Janis were always after my socks while they were still on my feet, and my few encounters with Kira always left me slightly uneasy, Jerry though, he and I would have long talks while the dogs slept about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I feel more lost than ever.
I am sorry Jerry G.
you guys are making me misty. i think it comes with getting older, i'm a big boob! (the other day, i got kinda weepy listening to a program on NPR about the Lincoln Memorial in DC! Is that weird? maybe i need to adjust my meds...) that and i'm a sucker for animals.
Taking turns petting and holding Jerry and telling him to go play with Janice and that Jack will look out for him? SUPER tender...
So sorry guys. I HATE it when pets die. Perhaps you guys should consider a tortoise or parrot, that way, they'll outlive you!
So sorry to hear about Jerry passing. As always, you are in my thoughts. Love you and miss you tons.
LOL Ditto Tom! Except I get misty at many stories containing compassion and/or happiness. Fucking cry at the end of damn Disney movies in my old age... :( I also get nostalgic more often (I sometimes miss the old days when things were simpler and I thought we'd all be partying together at-will forever).
Sorry to hear about Jerry! Glad you have Mazzy and Jimi to keep you busy.
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