Ok, here's a quick update...We moved out of our apartment Thursday night, well technically at 6:30 am Friday morning when we gave up on shampooing the carpets. Moved into the Holiday Inn Express and Suites near our work places Thursday afternoon, but technically didn't spend any time there until 7 am Friday morning. Jory woke up later, went to work. I got the call that there was GOING TO BE power at the house no later then 5 pm Friday so we needed to check out of the hotel and officially move into our house. I drove over to the house to find no electricity, which meant no A/C which meant sweating my ass off until SRP (the power company) decided to get off their ass and come turn on my power. I said quick update, didn't I?
OK so long story short, a different SRP van drove up, I asked if he was here to save my life, he said no, I said WHAT? he said he'd call in...................he felt bad for me so he turned my power on and after a quick call from the builder I figured out how to turn the damn A/C on!
blah blah blah....We have power, we have A/C, we don't however have power in any of the three bedrooms, the disposal doesn't work and the washer drain is not complete and the garage door hasn't been hooked up to power....the list goes on. Our hair turns more grey everyday!
We're hoping to close on the house no later then this Friday, THAT'S RIGHT we haven't even closed yet. If we don't close by Friday, the seller will have to fork out another $300 to keep our interest rate locked.
Anyway that's enough for now...time to go home to our no Internet and no TV.
Peace out!
Looks like you'll have a great home once you get it closed on and up and running! :)
I was always anti on those fridges too but they do make them nice these days.
Did you ever find out anything about your wrist? I'm having lots of trouble too and am basing my direct need of medical attention on what happens with yours since we no longer have full coverage insurance. ;)
Let us know when you two are powered up and ready for more conquer club! We're back home and somewhat busy getting back into the swing of things but we are down for some gaming when you are ready. Oh and I told Robbie to get him and Regina into some games and he's supposed to be checking with Tom about signing up...
Well my wrist no longer is in constant searing pain but with all the cleaning and moving my Carpel Tunnel has returned. I never went to an ortho/surgeon because I'm not down for having another surgery this year, unless it's to save my life. So my hand is super weak and now numb from the elbow down most of the time which is another pain all-together but I'm just living with it until it becomes unbearable.
We don't have REAL internet right now...we have SORT OF internet via Jory's verizon phone being used as a modem. We should be closing on our house no later then next Tuesday so we'll have proper internet soon after that. We have or shall I say I have only used it to take my turns in my 3 remaining games and will hold off on new games until we get REAL internet.
Oh yeah, I would too! Not having broadband is like losing your car. Suddenly everything takes WAY longer and is stressful enough to just say fuck it and do something else. ;)
Well your arm/wrist sounds lots worse than mine so I should be ok to stay the hell away from doctors myself for awhile longer. I only get burning/stabbing pain in right wrist and forearm. I have switched to using my mouse left-handed (but backwards on the buttons so we won't have to keep switching the settings every time we switch users.
Athena and I are wishing you guys good luck on the rest of the house dealings/getting settled (and of course on these ridiculous bodies that seem to be failing many of us, and obviously some more than others). Keep us posted on how things are coming and when you are back in action for a new game.
We miss you both and the only thing missing from making a great trip perfect was you two. :) (and of course Shane and Jessie not making it was a bummer too.) With some good luck maybe October will see us all getting to see each other again... Love you guys!
See you miss the boys and I'm jealous of your fridge!!! YOU SUCK!
Just kidding, that's a way sweet fridge though and I am really jealous of it. I keep trying to convince Jenni we need to redo some of our kitchen appliances so the all match.
But we tend to spend more time on the yard then anything these days (swamp cooler just doesn't hack the heat) and Jenni's making it look really good.
You guys need to drop by next time you're in town...
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