"To help one person is to help the world." -- Joanne Cacciatore

It's a Kindness Revolution! Everyone is invited to participate with us, doing simple acts of kindness in the memory of a loved one or if you're lucky enough not to have one, feel free to do it in Jack's name! This is something we as bereaved parents do often in memory of our kids who have died.
JOIN the KINDNESS Revolution!
My very first Random Act of Kindness was very simple. I went through the Wendy's drive-thru expecting to buy a $5 gift card or certificate but they didn't have them anymore. I had several cars in front of me so I was near the ordering menu for about 15 minutes. I was feeling kind of silly, since this wasn't going as planned. While I sat there with my window down, there was delivery guy hauling food in and out of the back door. He had his son with him, he looked about 4 or 5 years old who was playing around the bushes. When the delivery guy was finished he grabbed his crates and said, "Come on Jack, time to go." I started crying, it was confirmation that Jack was with me and I would do this Act of Kindness no matter how silly or embarrassed I was. When I finally got to the window, I handed the girl a $5 bill and asked her to put my $5 towards the guy's order behind me. She looked at me funny and asked, "What?" I told her that I was doing a Random Act of Kindness in memory of my son Jack and I wanted to donate $5 to the order for the guy behind me in line. She still looked a little confused but took the $5 and the Kindness Card that said, "This Random Act of Kindness...Done in Loving Memory of Jack Kendrick Johnson. As I drove away I saw her hand the card to the man and "explain" what I had done. Driving through the parking lot my tears were blinding me and I had to pull over but I didn't want the guy to follow me so I wiped them away with my shirt and headed home. My heart was so heavy with love for Jack, my tears were full of pain and sorrow, but I felt so good because I knew Jack was with me at that moment.
2011 International Kindness Project Day
11 years ago I started donating "Jackpacks", backpacks filled with school supplies to children in need. The first year I donated 6 backpacks to 5 kindergartners who were living at one of A New Leaf's domestic abuse homeless shelters in Phoenix, AZ. Jack was turning 5 that August and would've started kindergarten.
2012 International Kindness Project Day
For Jack's 6th birthday, my goal was 6 but I was able to donate 8 backpacks filled with supplies to 8 homeless first graders at A New Leaf in Mesa.
2013 International Kindness Project Day
(Jory's old elementary school)
2014 International Kindness Project Day
We donated 8 backpacks to CAPSA(a shelter) in Logan, Utah And we had left over funds from donations, to provide school supplies and 2 backpacks for a family in need with 6 kids also in Logan!
2015 International Kindness Project Day
We donated 25 Jackpacks to Syndi Knowlton at Utah Kids Foundation! Special thanks to our friend Crissa Robertson who was able to gather 16 of those 25 Jackpacks with the help of her friends and family!
2016 International Kindness Project Day
2017 International Kindness Project Day
2018 International Kindness Project Day
2019 International Kindness Project Day
2020 International Kindness Project Day
2021 International Kindness Project Day
We are only able to do this because of the kindness of our friends and family who made donations. I'm a Stay Outside Adventure Mom to Jack's little brother Jiraiya Dragon, our New Zealand Miracle and volunteer most of my time to Hike it Baby, Nationally for the Calendar Team and locally as a Branch Ambassador for Hike it Baby Utah County and Salt Lake City. I am determined to continue this annual donation for Jack's Birthday and Kindness Day regardless of our situation, we WILL make this work!
So here we go again peeps...
It's Jackpack Time!
So as I said, we can't afford 16(or more) backpacks filled with supplies on our own. We always pick out one just as if it were for Jack and we fill it with all the supplies and some extras. We also always have Jiraiya pick one out and stuff it with all the things! This year we've already bought three backpacks: I picked a Jack Skellington, Jiraiya grabbed a Minecraft and DragonballZ for Jory. We also fill in where needed, whether it be more backpacks and/or more supplies.
I NEED YOU! My dearest Friends and Family, Would you be willing to help me with this 11th year of JACKPACKS? Our Kindness project for Kindness Day as well as Jack's 16th Birthday coming August 31. As I did last year I will photograph everything I purchase so you can see what your donations are going towards. Can we beat our record 52 backpacks? I bet we can!
This was our first special Jackpack, picked out and bought as we would have if Jack were here for Kindergarten. When Jiraiya was 5 and starting kindergarten, this is exactly what Jiraiya would've picked for himself! He was spiderman obsessed, so I know now this was the PERFECT pick for Jack at 5!
2022 Supply List
1 Backpack
(Found them for $15-$30 at Walmart, (Costco has AMAZING backpacks that will last these kids years!) any cheaper and they don't last a year. I've had the $4.99 ones from Walmart fall apart while I was adding the supplies, so Pretty Please, as much as I appreciate the donation, I really want to provide these kids with a backpack that will last at least one year, preferably more. THANKS!)
1 box of #2 Pencils
1 Box of 24 Crayons
1 Box of colored pencils
1 Pkg Washable Felt Markers
2 Glue Sticks
2 Pink or white Erasers
1 Pair of Fiskar Scissors
1 Pencil Case
1 1" binder
3 Pocket Folders
1 pkg Lined paper
2 lined notebooks
1 pkg blue or black pens
1 Ruler
1 Bottle of White/Elmers Glue
1 Pencil Sharpener
2 Highlighters
Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
Optional additional supplies:
composition notebook
coloring book/drawing paper
water bottle
Can't donate a full backpack? NO WORRIES! Donate what you can and we'll fill in the blanks!
We're donating JACKPACKS to the Family Place again this year, in Logan, Utah. They will be able to give these out to children in need throughout the year. HOW TO DONATE (before September 1st):
VENMO me @Joeythegirl (NO FEE).
Or I can drive around Utah collecting donations whether that's cash or supplies!
I have friends in Sandy, UT who are more than happy to be drop off locations.
My mom would be more than happy to pick up any donations in Cache Valley and can be a drop off in Smithfield, UT. Text, email or PM me for those addresses.
THANK YOU ALL in advance for whatever you are able to do to help me honor Jack for his 16th Birthday! You have no idea how much this project helps me smile and look forward to August as a whole. It gives me something positive to do when my grief filled heart wants nothing but to isolate, hibernate and cry until there are no more tears.
In Loving Memory
Jack Kendrick Johnson
August 31 - September 1, 2006
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