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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I've been meaning to write about all the shit I have to do to get ready for surgery and baby/Willow, but I've been busy doing all the shit and occasionally putting off doing all the shit!

Here's the list: (I reserve the right to add, remove and edit this list at anytime)

Call for Home Study (called, received packet of paperwork the day I got home from Utah. AND I already have my medical papers filled out)

Call Utah lawyer again, since he didn't call me back today. (called, have another appt on Friday in SLC...had appointment, all is good, we just have to do a few things in both states)

Finish Morgan's blanket so I can take it to Utah. (didn't get Morgan's blanket done, it's super intricate...working on it more every will be done soon I swear!)

Unpack (yes, we moved in 1.5 years's called depression people).
Decorate the house...nothing has been put up on the walls yet.
CLEAN Everything.
Remove weeds from yard.

Finish building desk for office. Just need to buy wood for tops and glass to top. (Get Jory to approve 1st) (Jory approved, I bought the wood and glass tops, had it cut and painted it...installing tonight....desks are done!)

Organize office, find room for craft stuff to fit in office closet.
Have mural painted in nursery, or bag the idea because it's just too much.
Secure bookshelves in living room and nursery to wall.
Secure dresser/changing table to wall in nursery.
Clean carpet in Master bedroom, spots in office.
Organize garage a bit better (after unpacking).
Figure out what the hell is wrong with the dishwasher.
Buy some Dreft already so I can wash the clothes I've bought already.
Clean and organize back patio.
FreeCycle a Ton of shit we don't need or use, take the rest to the GoodWill.
Stop smoking.
Do dishes.
Clean out Fridge.

Go to Utah for baby showers. (DONE!)

Bring home baby shower stuff, hope for a ton of goodies so we don't have to buy a lot of stuff. (DONE!)

Bring home crib. (DONE!)
Setup crib

Put together baby swing Juli gave us for Jack. (DONE!)

Get nursery all put together and organized for baby. (working on it)

Get 2nd bathroom all setup for baby.
Curtains...must buy curtains and rods for at least the nursery for now.
Either Tile living room floor or paint/stain the cement. (Get Jory to HD or Lowe's to pick out tile or paint/stain).

Clean and/or paint my little cradle that Gary made me as a child, to put in baby's room.
Find a rug for the living room.
Buy frames for pics I bought at IKEA
Home Study visit
Pack for Utah.
Go to Utah for Willow's birth.
Bring home Willow.
Stare at Willow 24/7 because HOLY CRAP I'll be a Mom!
Remember to sleep when I can because it will be few and far between.

Soak up the last bit of Keara before she leaves on her crazy year of travel (UT, AK, UT, NY, NE, AZ, NE,TX, NY, CA, NY) before moving to Spain. I'm sure the order has changed since, but last I heard that's what it was.

I know there is more, but I can't think of them right now.

I know boring post, but I don't brain is consumed.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to put *yourself* somewhere on your list girl!

Anonymous said...

yo, pay to fly me down and i'll paint a mural on Joryette's wall.

Joey C Johnson said...

Joryette....OH GAWD NO!

Anonymous said...

Joryelle has a nice ring to it...maybe Joryanne or Joryanna?

Joey C Johnson said...

I suggested Jordannah but he shot it down. ;) Even Jor-El LOL and he said no.

We actually have a name picked out, we're (me since Jory isn't coming) announcing it at the baby showers...which you are invited to! Sunday night at Famous Daves 7's not just a girl thing. It's a dinner and gifts thing.

MisterJ said...

Joryette! That's it!

Anonymous said...

i don't think i'm going to make it to the thingy tonite, but i do have some gifts for you. how long are you in town?

Donate for My Kindness Project to Honor Jack!