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Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jack!

Happy Birthday Jack!

It's hard to comprehend that you've would've been three years old today. Your dad and I did the best we could to celebrate your birthday as hard as it is without you. We decided to go out to a movie, Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Somehow the stars were aligned because we had the place to ourselves except for one other woman. It was really nice, felt like our own private viewing. Your daddy joked about calling ahead and buying all the tickets so we could have the place to ourselves, but they had already sold one ticket. Your dad is pretty funny. I just know that you would have been exactly like him.

After the movie we went to the store and bought your Birthday cake as we always do. They didn't have much of a selection when it came to the little cakes so we decided to go with cheesecake, 4 different flavored slices and your #3 candle. Take it from me little man, they were delicious!
As I'm sure you know from watching us from the stars, we still have your 1st and 2nd Birthday cakes in the freezer. I think it's time for us to throw them away, otherwise we'll end up with 10 birthday cakes filling our freezer and no room for actual food. It's going to be hard, but I know by throwing them away, we're not losing the memories.

I also promised myself that this year, I will take the baby blankets I've crocheted into the hospital where you were born to donate in your name to other bereaved parents. I cherish the blanket we were given and I want to be able to give that special keepsake to another mother and father like us.
I love you Jack and miss you more then words can describe. Give give kisses to everyone, especially your Grandpa Kendrick. I hope you two are having fun fishing in the stars!
Miss you Always, Love you Forever, Never forgetting my little star Jack!

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