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Monday, October 30, 2006

Mazzy's Getting a Sister

Jimi Hendrix Johnson

This is Jimi, she was born in early October. Apparently she's become quite the butterball, when she trys to walk her belly gets in the way. We will be picking her up over Thanksgiving in Utah.

Jimi and Mazzy do not have the same mom, but they have identical markings: white chin and back left paw. She's super cute and we are excited to have her join our family. Mazzy however, may feel differently...they'll get along eventually.


Mr. E Mann said...

Wish we could make it out for Thanksgiving to see everyone but alas we are un-travelable until the x-mas/new year season...
We were hoping to get to spoil anyone who made it out here with a delicious spread but it's too far on a family holiday so we really didn't expect many people to make it this way.

I'm sure Mazzy will get used to a new brother in no time. And it's nice they will be/are similar size and breed so they can have more fun playing. Looks like a nice addition. :)
Harley is great with other dogs (like Rosie) and has been around many breeds/sizes. I'm sure he'd have a great time playing gently with the pomeranians. ;)

Mr. E Mann said...

Doh, I just noticed the caption...Jimi a sister, not brother. :)

Joey's Mom said...

Joey, I know today will be especially hard because it is the 2 month anniversary of "OUR" loss of that precious little boy so I want you to know that we are thinking of you both. Also I would like to point out that Your speaking about your experience in such a public way may be helping more people then you know get through or understand their own grief that they themselves or someone they know may be going through. Your dad and I love you both would love to be able to take the pain away but we are not super heros only human with a hole in our hearts too. LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

That's a precious looking dog.

I believe I'll be bookmarking your site for pictures later. You'd better post 'em!

Kate from Phoenix

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