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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's A Girl!

I've been dying to share the news with you Internet! We're having a baby isn't quite the truth. No we're not pregnant...not yet anyway. But we're adopting a baby Girl! She's due May 21st, just four months and 1 day away! I can't even explain how extremely excited I am.

Saturday night we got the phone call we had been waiting for and apparently we had been fooled by my mother! She had told us that my cousin hadn't given them any idea on what she was thinking, but it was all a lie. My cousin went to sign up at an adoption agency and when she got home my uncle sat her down and asked her what she thought about letting us adopt her baby and she said she knew immediately that's what she wanted to do! That way, she'd still be in the family so my uncle and aunt could still be "grandparents" to her and she could know her big sister. She told us that she knew by giving her to us that she would be loved and appreciated like no other baby. She said she felt like this was what was meant to happen and that she was more then happy to be able to give us what we've always wanted.

I literally bawled all day, I haven't felt this kind of happiness in so long. I knew from the moment I was told she was going to be calling us that it would all work out. I felt peace in my heart, like maybe dad and Jack helped comfort her in this difficult decision. I'm sure it sounds wacky, but it's what I felt, it's what I feel in my soul. Even though you'd think the timing sucks because my dad wanted grandchildren so bad and had he just lived a few months longer he would have got to meet one, but even when I sit and think about it, my heart won't let me be sad because it feels like it's perfect timing. Like he helped make this happen. You totally think I'm crazy huh?

I'm worried about the due date conflicting with my dad's memorial though. It's the week before and it will be a few days before the papers can be signed and we can take her. I don't know if we need to change the memorial to be sure or if we should chance it? Dad? Can you help me out with the timing please? ;) he he

So we have a ton of stuff to get done to be ready for the baby. We need baby stuff, girl stuff, so much stuff! Normally you have 9 months to prepare, we have 4 and technically 3 because I'll be out of commission for a month for my surgery. OH GEEZE, Trying not to stress. We already have a crib, actually two now (Thank you Robby & Regina and Christopher & Fawn) of course they're both in Utah! And my sweet friend Juli bought us a swing for Jack that's still in the box. We also have a rubbermaid bin full of clothes (both boy and girl), little toys, some books and diapers because Jory's mom ROCKS! Other then that, we don't have anything! Jory and I will probably be going to Utah soon to meet for a family baby shower and to pick up the crib. And then obviously back to Utah in May for the big day/s! Who knows maybe we'll be picking up with crib in May?

OMG We're having a baby people! The Johnson's are having a baby! A Baby Girl! I'm so in love already and I haven't even seen a sonogram yet. lol

Yes, yes I know. With all adoptive parents there is always that chance at the last minute for the birth mom to change her mind but I know with my whole heart that she won't. I just feel it's all going to work out. We're due for this miracle. It's our turn, and we appreciate it more then anyone could ever imagine!

Thank you for all the support you have given us, we love you all and can't wait to share this amazing adventure with you!

What should we name Baby Girl Johnson? Leave us a comment.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations again!


Janice said...

Congratulations Johnsons! It is fantastic. And to be honest...the only things you NEED are diapers, wipes and formula. The rest will just fall into place, so don't stress that.

K @ ourboxofrain said...

Congratulations to both of you!! That's wonderful news!

Domster said...

Yay! I am so excited for the both of you!

Katie said...

Congrats again. And I don't think you are crazy...I think your reasoning is perfectly logical. All things happen for a reason and maybe your dad and Jack did help her make her decision to choose you and Jory to be the parents of this sweet baby girl...people who will love her unconditionally and give her everything that she needs. Congrats to you and Jory. I'm so very excited for you both!!!

Anonymous said...

Joey, I am so thrilled for you guys! This is awesome news! Congratulations to you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!! I can't even stand it. This is the best news!

Brooke said...

OMG!!!!Joey Jory WOW I'm so speechless Congrats!! Keep me updated. Love to the both of you and to the new baby girl Johnson!!

Emily said...

YAY! This baby girl will be SO SO loved. I am so happy for you!
Go with a "J" name for sure!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and Jory. I like to shop and pink is one of my favorite colors to shop for!!! I will gladly accept the responsibility of helping your mom spoil your daughter.... and You!!!
Love Aunt Nora

Regina said...

We are simply overjoyed for you! This is the best news ever! We've been hoping along with you all this time for your miracle and it's so exciting to hear it's happening for you. Robby and I just talked about this out on our date night on Saturday so this really tripped us was a string in the universe being pulled is what we thought. So cool.

We love you guys and are rooting for you! We might still have some baby items to donate...gotta rummage some more.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me...I read your blog regularly cuz you fascinate me (in a good way!) I seriously cried when I read this post. I am so happy for you! In going with Emily's advice to pick a "J" name, all things considered, I suggest the name "Joy." What word could better capture what this child is going to give and receive?

Donate for My Kindness Project to Honor Jack!